After 6 long weeks of the summer holidays, it’s finally time for the kids to get back to school! This can be quite a relief for parents but not so much for the kids. No more late nights, relaxing and hanging out with their friends. Going back to school is a time for change and this can be hard for most kids. But this is exactly where martial arts training creates a positive impact.


The relationship between kids and their schoolteachers is quite vital as they have to spend a lot of time together over the school year and making a good first impression can definitely aid this relationship. Through martial arts training, kids learn to focus, their eyes, their mind, and their body to do their best and achieve results. Focus helps to improve listening and attention skills which has a great impact on their learning. Gaining good focus skills through martial arts transitions into good focus in school and this won’t go unnoticed by their teachers.


Discipline can be quite difficult, especially when we all know how dull some schoolwork can be. Kids would much rather be playing or doing anything else! One of the many benefits to martial arts is good discipline and self-control, just like focus this passes on into their school lives and makes for a better learning experience.


One of the most important values of martial arts is respect, respecting yourself and others around you. The expectation during training is that students are silent and listening when their instructor is speaking or demonstrating techniques. Naturally this respect for their martial arts instructors will carry over to their schoolteachers and other kids around them and this sometimes means they will even listen to their parents! More respect means less chance of getting into bother at school.


The idea is for school to be a safe environment for kids to learn and grow. In reality we know this isn’t always the case, bullying is a real issue and sadly seems to be getting worse. All parents want to protect and be there for their kids, but this can’t happen at all times. Of course, no one wants their kids getting into fights, this is why martial arts teaches that violence should only ever be used as an absolute last resort. Martial arts provides kids with the skills to react and defend themselves if necessary but they will also learn to keep calm and avoid

bullying situations. Being confident is very empowering and the confidence kids gain from martial arts will make them less likely to face bullies as bullies generally don’t pick on confident people.


Keeping active and healthy is vital for kids happiness and comfort in life. Martial arts provide a good level of fitness as well as technique and fighting skills. Kids that regularly participate in exercise are less likely to end up overweight and gain all of the bad health risks that come with it. Through martial arts training, kids will gain a high level of fitness and see increased health benefits as time goes on.


It’s common knowledge that kids learn better whilst they’re having fun, this is why at ROAR Martial Arts we make our classes enjoyable. Our team of friendly instructors provide quality classes that will have your kids leaving with massive smiles on their faces. Quite often we end the classes with fun and games to reward the kid’s good behaviour through training hard and learning well.

+ School + Martial Arts + Focus + Discipline + Fun + Fitness + Exercise + Kids + Bullying + Training + Motivation + Shrewsbury & Telford + Kickboxing + Boxing + MMA + Self Defence + Wrestling + Free Trial+  Anxiety + Empowering + Confidence + Work

Self defence, Combat Sports, and Fitness classes for Kids and Adults in Telford and Shrewsbury.

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